A Simple Escape Massage Therapy

Float Therapy Guidelines


Please read prior to setting up an appointment for a float session. This will be included in a form to sign prior to use. We will secure your appointment with a credit card but will not charge the card until after your service or you can use another type of payment.

We want you to have a safe and enjoyable experience with us at A Simple Escape. We ask that you be aware and agree to the following information and policies:It is up to each individual to take caution to prevent slipping or falling as floor surfaces may be wet. The facility is cleaned between each session.I, the willing customer, will NOT use the float tank if:

• I have not showered thoroughly and still have oils, lotions, creams, makeup, mascara or other products on my body.

• I have had any type of hair color or dye treatment that transfers color when wet, or use wax/oil in my hair/dreadlocks.

• I have used a spray tan or other chemical tanner on my skin within the past two weeks.

• I have experienced vomiting or diarrhea within the past two weeks.

• I have received chemotherapy within the past two weeks.

• I have a communicable or infectious skin condition, disorder, or disease.

• I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

• I have open sores or a new tattoo that has not fully healed.

• I have kidney disease or am diabetic, unless my diabetes is under medical control.

• I have a history of heart trouble, epilepsy, seizures or blackouts and have not received my doctor’s permission to use theflotation tank.

• I am experiencing a heavy menstrual period. Please reschedule if there is a chance any menstrual blood could come out into the water.

• I have a condition which may be adversely affected by cutaneous absorption of magnesium.

• I am mobility limited or unable to get myself into or out of the tank without assistance.

• I may release bodily fluids, voluntarily or involuntarily, into the float tank.I understand that any violation of these rules or any other action, voluntarily or involuntarily, that results in contamination of the float water may result in a cleaning and salt replacement fee of up to $2,000. 

Release of liability I am choosing to use the floatation tank of my own free will.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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